Barış Kereste first met with Wood in 1957 when Hidayet BARIŞ, an elder family member, engaged with this job. Those were the days when transportatipn with trucks were introduced and exercised in Turkey that Barış Kereste made a break through and conducted jobs with wooden truck chests for 30 years until 1987 without compromising from workmanship and materials. Then comes the second generation. The company starts to manufacture wooden floor and wainscots with the first profile machine purchased from Törk machine. Later it slowly becomes famous in this sector in Kocaeli with log cutting machine and the technique of processing the woods by ovening them. In the years when laminated parquets began to be known in Turkey, our company made its way into this sector continued to work with Çemsan A.Ş. for local production, amd with Saxon group for imported parquets.
 We thought that the importance of wood materials in the sector will develop more rapidly, and founded Alternatif Orm. Ür. Mob. İnş. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. (Forest Prod. Furn. Cont. And Trade Ltd. Co.) as a manufacturing group under the company, and started to manufacture wooden solid panels with finger joint technique under WOODPAN brand 4 years ago. We quickly renovated the machine park and have been proceeding to manufacture the best solid panels and the best doorposts with good quality products to ensure customer satisfaction and to achieve our targets whşch we set in the market of panel and doorposts. We are processing pine and spruce which are among the soft woods, and also beech and sapele which are among the hard woods. We manufacture solid panels, panels on-special-order and also doorposts from pine spruce and pine trees by using finger joint technique. Furthermore, we are proud to serve our customers with laminated parquets, plywoods and osb options, a wide range of products, different types of timbers and suitable prices.